1. Two Year Contact Room Program (IIT-JEE/NEET) (For XI going Students)

Synchronised study of Board a. I IT-JEE (Main &Advanced)uother exams/NEET. Classes are generally held three days a week for three hours each time and conducted after school hours. This course is divided into two academic sessions.


Phase-I: In this stage for first 3-4 months, we teach students the basic level of XI class with all concepts and fundamentals. Students are provided study Material exclusively for school level preparation.

Phase -II: For next 34 monthswe proceed to tougher application for 11T-JEE/Medi.1 under the guidance ofexpert faculties. Students are provided study material exclusivelyfor advance level preparation.

Phase-III: For last 1-2 months extensive session of revision, problems solving, discussion and analysis are inducted. Students are provided study material for rank improvement.


Phase-I: In this stage for first 3 months, we teach students the basic level of XIIth class with all concepts and fundamentals. Students are provided study material exclusively for school level preparation.

Phase-II: For next 3 months we proceed to tougher application for HT-ME/Medical of XIIth class. Students are provided study material exclusively for advance level preparation.

Phase-III: For tread 2 months revision of class XIth syllabus of IIT-JEE/Medical is conducted as XIth syllabus has equal importance in the same.

Phase-IV: For last month intensive session of advance level discussion and analysis and rank improvement problems are done. Students are provided study material for rank improvement.

Weekend program Total time provided, pattern of teaching and fee structure are same as weekdays program but duration of classes is more classes are held for5 hours on Saturday and 5 how’s on Sunday.

2. One Year Regular Program (For XII Pass Students)

(Starting From (Exclusively for IIT-JEE (MAIN & Advance) / BITSAT / Other Exam/ NEET) October November)

Syllabus of JEE (Main&Advanced)/BITSAT/ Other Exam/NEET.

Classes are generally held four days a week for four hours each time and conducted in morning session.

Phase-I: In this stage for first five months, we teach student’s syllabus of JEE Main & Advanced / Other engineering entrance/ NEET exams with all concepts and fundamentals.

Phase-II: For next three months we proceed to revision of same syllabus.

Phase-III: For last one month intensive session of advance level discussion, analysis and rank improvement problems are done.

3. One Year Contact Room Program (IIT-JEE/NEET) (For XII going Students)

Synchronised study of Board n IIT-JEE (Main &Ad. nced).other exams/NEET Classes are generally held three days a week.r three hours each time and conducted after school hours.

Phase-1: In this stage for 3 months, we teach students the basic level ofX11 class with all concepts and fundamentals. Students are provided study material exclusively forschool level preparation. Students are proNded one extra day everyweek to brush up concepts and fundamentals of XI syllabus.

Phase-II: for next 3 months we proceed to tougher application forlIT-JEE/Medical of XII class. Students are provided study material exclusively for advance level preparation.

Phase-111: For next 2 months revision of class XI syllabus of 11T-JEE/AAKlica I is conducted as XI syllabus has equal importance in the same.

Phase-IV: For last month’s intensive session of advanced level discussion and analysis and rank improvement problems are done. Students am provided study material for rank improvement.

Weekend program : Total time provide, pattern of teaching and .e structure are same as weekdays program but duration of dasses is mom classes are held for 5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday.


satta king